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Writer's pictureTandi

Spiritual Resources for a Pandemic: poem, mediation, song

There are three pieces I come back to over and over that I want to share with you. They are holding me, nudging me forward, helping me become in this moment.

~The poem by Rev. Dr. Lynn Ungar is being shared far and wide. I see something new every time I read it. What rises for you?

What if you thought of it as the Jews consider the Sabbath— the most sacred of times? Cease from travel. Cease from buying and selling. Give up, just for now, on trying to make the world different than it is. Sing. Pray. Touch only those to whom you commit your life. Center down.

And when your body has become still, reach out with your heart. Know that we are connected in ways that are terrifying and beautiful. (You could hardly deny it now.) Know that our lives are in one another’s hands. (Surely, that has come clear.) Do not reach out your hands. Reach out your heart. Reach out your words. Reach out all the tendrils of compassion that move, invisibly, where we cannot touch.

Promise this world your love— for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, so long as we all shall live.

~ The meditation, You Are Courage (15:36) by Hannah Leatherbury helps me metabolize my fear and uncertainty.  Rather than distracting and numbing as strategies, Leatherbury's method helps me name, embrace and let go that which causes pain and suffering. I first used this method to cope with chronic illness, chronic pain. I'm finding the method effecting for psychic suffering in this pandemic.

~ The power of songs as companions and life-rings is well known. This song by Aly Halpert , Loosen, Loosen (2:49) gives instructions and permission to let go of all the stress in our body and reclaim ourselves as holy. Yes, please. More of that. I have used this for family chapel. I have played it loudly and danced around the kitchen. I have sung it softly to loved ones who need to calm.

I am so curious what is bringing you comfort and courage in these times. Please share in the comments or send me an email.

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